Fluoride Therapy

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral compound found in plants, rocks and at very low levels in almost all fresh water. It’s particularly important for growing teeth as it is integrated into the tooth enamel, helping to harden your child’s teeth. Once teeth are formed, fluoride will still help to harden teeth and it interacts with saliva, protecting teeth against bacteria and sugars.

Fluoride is very beneficial for children’s teeth, helping to reduce the risk of tooth decay.

It is used in many products related to oral health such as toothpastes and is also added to some of the drinking water in Melbourne and Victoria.


Why Water Fluoridation

Water fluoridation is the adjustment of fluoride in drinking water to a level that helps protect teeth against tooth decay, resulting in fewer cavities in children and adults.

Tooth decay occurs when acid destroys the outer surface (enamel) of the tooth. Fluoride can limit the amount of acid produced and can also repair damage before it becomes permanent.

The amount of fluoride added to the water is carefully controlled and monitored. You cannot taste or smell fluoride in your water. Currently, 90% of Victorians drink water with either naturally occurring or added fluoride. Melbourne and some regional centres have had fluoridated water for more than 30 years. You check water fluoridation here

There is no scientific evidence linking water fluoridation with side effects such as cancer, bone fractures, Alzheimer’s disease or allergy.

Dental fluorosis

Mottling of tooth enamel can occur if young children get too much fluoride (dental fluorosis). It is usually barely noticeable and also occurs in areas without water fluoridation. By using fluoridated toothpaste carefully, the chances of dental fluorosis can be reduced.

Most dental fluorosis in Australia is very mild or mild, and does not affect the either the function or appearance of the teeth. When you can see it, there are fine white flecks or lines on the teeth. Moderate dental fluorosis is very uncommon, and tends to include brown patches on the tooth surface. Severe dental fluorosis is rare in Australia.


Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride Treatment is a great way to prevent tooth decay.

Topical fluoride works its way into the tooth enamel strengthening your teeth and making it less prone to decay. Although it can be found in common foodstuffs as well as in drinking water, dental care experts suggest that it would be good to have a better source of fluoride. This is where Fluoride Treatment comes in.

The dental treatment involves the application of a strong fluoride-containing substance on your teeth. The fluoride is allowed to seep into the tiny pores of your teeth. Then, the fluoride molecules will combine with the enamel structure of your teeth. As a result, this boosts the strength and durability of your teeth. Furthermore, it also helps your teeth cope with the damage caused by bacteria in your mouth.

Fluoride Treatment Benefits

  1. Initiate remineralisation – With the application of a controlled concentration of fluoride, your teeth are given a chance to remineralise. They are now provided with the necessary materials to restore and renew the structures which have been damaged over time.
  2. Improved resistance to acids – Also, by undergoing the process of remineralisation, your teeth become more resistant to acid attacks. As such, the probability of developing tooth decay is significantly reduced.
  3. Neutralise acidity in the oral cavity – After the treatment, fluoride ions stay with the saliva in your mouth. Their presence neutralises the acidity in your mouth, bringing it down to a level that does not harm the enamel.


For a safe and effective way of keeping your teeth free from tooth decay, try having Fluoride Treatment in GlenHuntly Dental Clinic. This dental treatment is an important part of our comprehensive Preventative Dentistry program.

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