DMFT index, Decayed (D),Missing (M), and Filled Teeth (FT). A high DMFT index score indicates the development of dental caries and further reflects the deterioration of oral hygiene.
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At GDC we are definitely seeing a shift from wanting a smile which looks over-produced to a smile which looks like it belongs to us. Schedule an appointment at GDC clinic, and we will deliver a smile which meets your expectations but also appears natural – not an Instagram filter intended!
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At GDC we are definitely seeing a shift from wanting a smile which looks over-produced to a smile which looks like it belongs to us. Schedule an appointment at GDC clinic, and we will deliver a smile which meets your expectations but also appears natural – not an Instagram filter intended!
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LATEST UPDATE The Australian Dental Association (ADA) has announced that COVID-19 dental service restrictions are being eased to level 2 restrictions from 27 April. This means that some simple elective procedures are now permitted, such as orthodontics, dentures and certain types of preventative care. Team @GlenHuntly Dental Clinic is here to address any concerns
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Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral compound found in plants, rocks and at very low levels in almost all fresh water. It’s particularly important for growing teeth as it is integrated into the tooth enamel, helping to harden your child’s teeth. Once teeth are formed, fluoride will still help to harden teeth and it interacts
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The Child Dental Benefits Schedule, or CDBS, is an Australian Government initiative that will provide approximately $2.7 billion in Commonwealth funded benefits for general dental service for children aged 2-17 years of age. What Treatments are included under the CDBS? The government has provided itemised codes for treatments that are covered by the CDBS. These
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